Dive In...

Last time I wrote,  I shared an experience I was part of.  If you recall, in my last blog I wrote about 'what frequency are you.' And, if you read the blog in its entirety, you would have read about the frequencies of love and fear.  If you didn't get a chance to, I encourage you to do so if it feels right to you.  

What I want to share today is a bit about myself.  Just this week I read that if you are not allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you are not growing.  That really hit home for me.  I want to push myself to the limits because I have some big goals that I want to accomplish in this stage of my soul's existence, and I feel like I may not get there unless I put myself out there.

So here goes!  I am a massage therapist.  I am a Reiki practitioner.  I am an oil therapy practitioner.  I am a facilitator of guasha, fire-cupping, and reflexology.  I am a mother. I am a wife. I am a business owner. I am hyper at times and have the gift of gab. I also am a sister and a daughter.  I am a friend to many including myself.  I am a reader.  I am an explorer. I am an artist in many ways.  I am a woodworker.  I am a designer and a decorator. I am a singer. I am a belly laugher. I am a smiler, and I am an image of my mother. So many of those listed many of you probably already know.  But to dive in deeper, I am not religious, but I am spiritual. I am intrigued by the practice of Shamanism and that the buffalo is a spirit animal of mine.  I am interested in the practice of Buddhism. I love the smell of sage while I am preparing myself and my home for cleansing and meditation.  I am curious as to how it was that the stars were perfectly aligned to guide me through life in ways that only the Source could have intended!!  Amazing!!  I am so fascinated by how my body has changed so many forms from infancy to adulthood.  I am amazed at how there is not one cell in my body that is the same since my birth 37 years ago.  

I have so much gratitude for the trees that stand tall in my yard and the sound of air conditioning that is running through the vents as I get this blog typed.  I am thankful I can hear the faint sounds of inhaling and exhaling as my daughter sleeps at the foot of my bed right now.  I am blessed to have a man in my life who cooks for me, is a hard worker and truly appreciates me enough to say "I know that whatever you do Nikki, you will be successful".  I am blessed...I truly am blessed with a teenager who lives at home and feels he still can.  I am thankful for the tools to even share these thoughts with all of you!  That is so incredible!!  As I lay here writing all of this, even though it may seem small, I am embracing all those comments and thoughts as strengths within me. And, I feel confident in saying that many of the "I AM's" shared are not something that I feel comfortable sharing with everyone.  But not anymore.  Starting today, I am going to share the things I love.  I am going to practice fearlessness. 

Back in February of this year, someone approached me asking me, "How is it that you feel comfortable talking about and offering some of the different workshops and therapies that you do living in such a small town?"  At the time, all I could think of saying was, "There is nothing you can do to make God love you more and there is nothing you can do to make God love you less."  At the time I said that I hadn't yet heard a Super Soul Conversation with Oprah and Wayne Dyer, but now I know that because those words were uttered out of my mouth, I chose the I AM attitude. I am not able to hide the things that allow me to embrace so much of what this stage of life has to offer.  I feel offering up information about who I am and what stimulates my heart center, is something I need to say.  I have been holding back sharing so much of what I am because FEAR is keeping me at idle.  But I don't want to do that anymore.  I want to shine brightly and LOVE myself, others, and things that surround me.  I no longer want to be fearful of things I do not know anything about!!  As Wayne Dyer said, "If there is one thing that I know for sure it is that I LOVE YOU.  I truly love you!"  I am so in love with that comment and how I feel when it was said!!  

Wouldn't it be great to go someplace where when you introduced yourself to one another, the very first phrase out of your mouth and theirs was I love you?  Really isn't what we all want to practice is love?  Man, I am just so moved by that!  

So if you get one bit from this reading, be true and be love.  Be fearless and be authentic. As you move forward with those intentions, remember DIVE IN with I AM (followed by) whatever you want in life, and when we connect with the Source of what I AM, that is when the magic happens!  Enjoy and #behappy people! 

The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about
— Wayne Dyer